BERYL: Welcome, princess! You have done well to come this far. I praise you for a job well done. SAILORMOON: Qu- Queen Beryl... BERYL: Yes, I am Queen Beryl. Endymion, kill the princess. ENDYMION: As you wish. SAILORMOON: Moon Healing Escalation! BERYL: You are wasting your time. You are still not a full-fledged princess. Even if you use the ginzuishou, you will not be able to remove Queen Metallia's dark energy from Endymion's body. Stop wasting your time and quietly hand me the ginzuishou. ENDYMION: Sailormoon....die. SAILORMOON: Mamoru-san... [Flashback of Mamoru] "Odango Atama...." SAILORMOON: Mamoru...san.... BERYL: Soon, the sun will be covered entirely by sunspots, and Queen Metallia will be revived. That is enough, Endymion. Cut off the princess' head! [Sailormoon reaches for the Moon Stick] It's no use! Soon, Queen Metallia will be revived. When she fills this world with her dark energy by using the ginzuishou, she is certain to utilize its power to the maximum. Everything you have been doing will have been meaningless!