Chibafied Episodes - Season 1
Episode 1
Episode #1: Nakimushi Usagi no karei naru henshin
The Crybaby Usagi's Magnificent Transformation

This episode is important all-around, of course, because it's the very first episode. It sets the stage for everything to come throughout the rest of the entire series. We are introduced to our bickering duo Usagi and Mamoru. By now most people know the fated encounter - Usagi crumples up her test paper and throws it behind her, ashamed of her poor grade. It lands on the head of a jet-black haired boy, whose name at this point we do not know. He throws his first insult at Usagi and his first uttering of the name "Odango Atama".
Episode 15
Episode #15: Usagi aseru! Rei-chan hatsu date
Usagi is Frantic! Rei's First Date

This one's a classic. Our dear Rei-chan first becomes infatuated with Mamoru when he jumps into the street to save Luna from nearly being hit by a bus. After talking with Motoki inside Crown Game Center, Rei learns that Mamoru lives by himself and is the son of a rich family (Motoki fails to mention Mamoru has his family's money because his parents are dead). Rei then decides that she'll get Mamoru to go on a date with her! The next day, Rei hides around the corner of a building, waiting for unsuspecting Mamoru to walk by. Her plan is to casually "bump into" Mamoru, wherein they'll go on a date. Rei imagines how the whole scene will play out: perfectly. Passerbys Luna and Usagi watch Rei in action from across the street, unaware of her plans. Rei sees Mamoru coming and darts out from around the corner. She trips on the sidewalk and falls flat on her face, whereupon Mamoru accidentally steps on her head. Good job, Rei. Mamoru freaks out and asks Rei if she's okay. Rei looks up blushing and says, "I'm alright." Mamoru then says, "Okay, glad to hear it," and walks away! What's up with that, Mamoru?! Rei, ever-persistant, doesn't give up. She follows Mamoru, who then finally recognizes her. "Oh, you're one of Odango Atama's friends." Rei offers to take Mamoru out for tea to apologize. Mamoru says, "Apologize for what?" XD What a dummy. Rei then says, "Uhh...for makign you step on my head!" Bwahahaha. Anyway, Mamoru agrees and they walk off. Usagi is, to say the least, upset. "Ahhh, what the hell is he doing?!" Luna tells Usagi that she doesn't think Mamoru is such a bad guy as Usagi makes him out to be. Usagi tells Luna that Mamoru and Rei together is "impure fraternization" (such big words for you, Usagi-chan! XD) and goes off to follow them. Luna sighs and says to herself, "She's just jealous; plain and simple." Usagi spies on Rei and Mamoru while they're having tea and ponders what they're talking about. Umino randomly shows up and Usagi gets the idea that she'll go on a "date" with Umino so she can go inside and spy on Rei and Mamoru better. Later on, Rei and Mamoru are in a boat on the lake, discussing how sad it is that the park will be obliterated soon. Guess who's spying? Yeah, you're right. Umino's still with her but she is paying extremely minimal attention to him. Usagi runs into Ami, and they inturn run into a youma. The two of them transform and prepare for battle. Meanwhile on the boat, Mamoru feels an aura and his head begins to hurt. Rei asks what's wrong, and suddenly a bunch of birds start attacking them (possessed by the youma). Mamoru shields Rei with his body, but the boat is overturned and they fall in the lake. While Mercury and Moon start to get their asses kicked, Mamoru and Rei make it to the dock. Rei says she senses an evil aura and tells Mamoru to stay put and that she'll be right back. She transforms and arrives to help Sailormoon and Sailormercury. However, the youma corners all three of them. Guess whoooo. Tuxedo Kamen's rose stuns the youma as he makes his entrance. Sailormoon defeats the youma, whoda thunkit? Anyway, in the next scene, Mamoru re-appears and approaches the girls. Rei asks if he's okay, and Mamoru tells her he's fine now. Rei tells Usagi that maybe Mamoru is Tuxedo Kamen, which of course, pisses Usagi off. Suddenly Umino re-appears, finally finding his lost "date". He tells Usagi they should continue their date, to which Rei and Mamoru think is pretty funny. Usagi tells Umino not to make up stories and he says, "What? You're the one who asked me out!"
Episode 19
Episode #19:Usagi kangeki! Takishiidokamen no ravuretaa
Usagi is Thrilled! Tuxedo Kamen's Love Letter

In this episode, Sailormoon and Tuxedo Kamen get to know each other a little bit more, but just barely. Nephrite sends out fake letters from "Tuxedo Kamen" to all of the girls in Tokyo. Usagi is upset that Tuxedo Kamen didn't send a letter to just her. Later on, Sailormoon and Tuxedo Kamen are trapped dangling in an elevator shaft. Here we get the first glimpse of Mamoru's incredible amount of patience as he tries to not only keep Sailormoon calm, but try to get them safely out and answer Sailormoon's questions.
Episode 22
Episode #22: Gekka no romansu! Usagi no hatsu kissu
A Romance Under the Moon! Usagi's First Kiss

The princess of Diamond Kingdom is visiting in Tokyo, and in her name there is a large masquerade party going on. Usagi uses the Luna Pen to get a pretty dress and sneaks in. Meanwhile, Tuxedo Kamen sneaks into the party as well, wondering that if the princess of Diamond Kingdom has the ginzuishou that the princess in his dreams speaks of, that maybe he can solve the mystery of both the identity of the princess and his own. However, Tuxedo Kamen sees Usagi and is distracted by her. He spots Usagi standing alone in the corner while everyone else is dancing, and asks her to dance. Usagi thinks, "I feel like I've danced with him before, a long time ago..." A little while later, a possessed Princess Diamond knocks Usagi off a high balcony, and Tuxedo Kamen manages to reach her hand. But he can't hold on for long...Usagi's hand begins to slip through her gloves; Tuxedo Kamen panics and grabs her with his free hand, but they both begin to fall to the ground. Luna tosses a parasol; Usagi opens it and they drift to safety. At the end of the episode, Usagi gets a little tipsy and Tuxedo Kamen takes her out to a balcony. He says, "In a distant past, I feel as though something similar has happened before. I feel like my memories may return.." He leans in and kisses her. Usagi thinks, "This gentle warmth. This has happened in the past somewhere. It feels so familiar..."
Episode 28
Episode #28: Koi no irasuto, Usagi to Mamoru ga sekkin?
Illustrations of Love, are Usagi and Mamoru Getting Closer?

A famous artist named Yumemi Yumino has an art exhibition that Usagi, Naru and Umino go to see. Yumemi Yumino secretly happens to be there, and outside she spots Mamoru. She begs him to be a model for her paintings. Just then, Usagi walks out of the exhibition and Yumemi gasps, saying Usagi is the other perfect model she needs. She coaxes them to come to her house to sit and model. This episode is important because Usagi and Mamoru both admit to themselves that they have at least some sort of interest in the other. Usagi stares at Mamoru during the sitting, thinking to herself that he is handsome. She whacks herself one in the head for thinking about someone other than Tuxedo Kamen. Out loud she says, "Ouch!" and Mamoru looks over and asks her what she's doing. She responds, "Hmph! None of your business!" and turns away, slightly blushing. He looks at her and smiles. A poorly animated one, but a smile nonetheless. Not one of those sarcastic smiles either, a real one. ;-)
Episode 33
Episode #33: Saigono Seeraa Senshi Viinasu toujou
The Last Warrior, Sailor Venus Appears

Zoicite has been going around as a fake Sailormoon, making trouble inconspicuously then jumping in to rescue whoever he has just put in danger. Usagi, of course is rather suspicious of this second Sailormoon. Later on, Kunzite uses the fake Sailormoon as bait to lure out Tuxedo Kamen. The sailor senshi arrive on the scene to save "Sailormoon", but Kunzite entraps them in a slowly shrinking forcefield that absorbs all of their attacks. Tuxedo Kamen appears and sees the fake Sailormoon hanging from a crane. He leaps up and saves "her". Once they reach the ground again, the fake Sailormoon stabs Tuxedo Kamen in the back of the shoulder and reveals himself as Zoicite. After a struggle, Zoicite manages to blow of Tuxedo Kamen's mask, revealing his identity.
Episode 34
Episode #34: Hikari kagayaku ginsuishou! Tsuki no purinsesu toujou
The Sparkling Silver Crystal! The Moon Princess Appears

The episode picks up right after the last one left off. Mamoru arrives home early in the morning, his shoulder still badly injured. Obviously angered, he utters to himself, "I couldn't protect her...Sailormoon..." He slowly limps away from the door, leaving a massive blood stain on it. He sits on the sofa and suddenly Zoicite appears on the screen. Now knowing Tuxedo Kamen's real identity, locating Mamoru was a cinch. Zoicite tells Mamoru that they should settle their battle now and fight over the nizuishou. He tells Mamoru to meet him at the Star Light Tower. He agrees. On his way there, Usagi spots him and runs up and slaps him on his back (on his injured spot). He also seems unusually nice to her today (Perhaps he thinks it could be the last time he sees her?). After he walks off, she sees his blood on her hand. Wondering if he could be injured, she follows him. Even after Mamoru tells her to go away, she follows him anyway and thus, gets trapped in the beam that Zoicite sends down to teleport Mamoru. Later on after being trapped in an elevator by Zoicite (What is it with the Generals and Elevators??), Mamoru confesses to Usagi that he is looking for the ginzuishou to get information about his past. He also tells her about how he lost all of his memories and his parents in a car crash when he was six. Suddenly, Zoicite sends flames down the elevator shaft. Usagi chooses to transform into Sailormoon to save them, revealing her identity to Mamoru. Needless to say, he is shocked. A few moments later he reciprocates, with the only ever Tuxedo Kamen transformation sequence. Tuxedo Kamen is then struck down protecting Sailormoon, and she cries for him. Her tears activate the nizuishou, and becoming one entity they form the ginzuishou, and Usagi is revealed as the Moon Princess.
Episode 35
Episode #35: Yomigaeru kioku! Usagi to Mamoru no kako
Memories Return! Usagi and Mamoru's Past

As the Moon Princess is awakened within Usagi, both Usagi and Mamoru's memories of their previous lives as Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion resurface. We are shown flashbacks of the battle in the Silver Millenium, the star locket, and their last night together. After the flashbacks, Princess Serenity turns back into Sailormoon. Meanwhile, Queen Beryl kills Zoicite for his failure and kidnaps Tuxedo Kamen in order to brainwash him. And the plot thickens!
Episode 36
Episode #36: Usagi konran! Takeshiidokamen ha aku
Usagi is Confused! Is Tuxedo Kamen Evil?

Mamoru doesn't really appear all that much in this episode but it is important because here is where both we and the Sailor senshi see the product of Beryl's brainwashing; evil Tuxedo Kamen/Endymion/whatever he wants you to call him at the time! I think he prefers Endymion but he still often wears the Tuxedo Kamen outfit. Regardless, Sailormoon is shocked and heartbroken. At first she doesn't believe him when he says he's working with the Dark Kingdom, but she comes to the realization in the truth of his words as he begins to attack her and demand the ginzuishou. "You must know that even a red rose turns black when exposed to a wintery blast..."
Episode 38
Episode #38: Yuki yo yama yo yuujou yo! Yappari youma moyo
The Snow! The Mountains! Our Friendship! And of Course, a Monster Too

Yuuichirou takes the girls up to his parents Ski Lodge for a nice mini-vacation. But of course, the girls can't get a vacation from anything. A youma manages to trap Rei and Usagi in a deep pit made of snow and ice. Yuuichirou tries to rescue them but the youma shows up and freezes him in a block of ice. Just as the youma is about to strike, Tuxedo Kamen appears and stops it, saying that he will take care of them. He throws a black rose at Sailormoon and Sailormars but misses. "Next time, I will not miss," he says. I don't really believe it was a mistake that he missed, personally. Has he ever missed before? Anyway, Sailormars steps forward and tries to get him to remember how he used to be. His black rose flickers red for a moment. The youma attacks again and Sailormoon performs Moon Princess Halation. By this time, Tuxedo Kamen is getting ready to leave. It's obvious his brainwashing has not been complete because he doesn't finish the job. He says, "Killing you guys right now would leave me nothing to brag about." The rose turns back to black and whithers.
Episode 40
Episode #40: Mizuumi no densetsu youkai! Usagi kazoku no kizuna
The Legendary Lake Demon! Usagi's Family Ties

Usagi goes to the Hot Springs with her parents and her brother, which is located near a lake that the Dark Kingdom senses holds an enormous amount of dark energy. Endymion is sent to investigate and Usagi runs into Endymion. The locket plays on its own several times when Endymion is near. Usagi tries to get him to remember, but he doesn't. Kunzite suspects that Endymion's brainwashing might not be complete and follows him. Endymion beckons the dark energy to emerge from the lake - it is an enormous demon, the lost soul of one of the "Legendary Lovers", a tale on which a statue near the lake is based. The demon doesn't listen to Endymion's orders at all and goes after Usagi and her family. Things get drastic when the demon has Kenji-papa up against a tree, and Usagi starts to yell out her henshin phrase. But she is interrupted by a black rose. Tuxedo Kamen appears and tells the demon that he will not allow her to harm innocent people. He distracts the demon and tells Usagi and the others to run while they can. The other senshi show up and Usagi is able to separate from her parents, enabling her to transform into Sailormoon. After a battle, Sailormoon purifies the demon, and it turns back into the girl, one of the legendary lovers. Her soul is freed and she rises to the sky. As she floats away she waves, thanking them. She also notices Endymion smiling, and she waves to him too.
Episode 41
Episode #41: Mou koikara nigenai! Ami to Mamoru taiketsu
I Won't Run From Love Anymore! Ami and Mamoru's Showdown

Endymion appears in Africa where Reika is studying an ancient drawing of some kind. He uses the kurizuishou to turn her into one of the seven nizuishou monsters. Meanwhile, back in Tokyo, Ami hears from her friend Urawa Ryo, who is psychic and can sense approaching danger. Ryo was also a carrier of one of the seven nizuishou, so Endymion is looking for him to turn him back into a monster also. Ryo manages to run away from him, but not for long. Sailormercury and Sailorjupiter arrive to try and protect Ryo. They have a showdown with Endymion in the alleyway. Sailorjupiter tries to attack him, but Endymion is too strong even for her. He goes on the offensive and Could lay a pretty powerful punch on Jupiter - but he stops (Yes, because inside he is not fully brainwashed!!). He then tells Jupiter to polish her skills and fight him again later. With that he leaves. Mercury and Ryo hide in a closed amusement park, thinking it to be a safe place to hide. Sailormercury and Ryo have a heartfelt talk, but are cut short when Endymion appears. Mercury attempts to fight Endymion herself, but he goes and captures Ryo first. He turns into Tuxedo Kamen and they battle some more, when Sailormercury steals the kurizuishou from him. She throws it onto the ground, shattering it and releasing its prisoners. Sailormoon tries a Moon Healing Escalation, and memories wash through Tuxedo Kamen's mind. She succesfully heals him! But, that damn Dark Kingdom sweeps him back up immediately, and gets ready to completely brainwash him this time...
Episode 44
Episode #44: Usagi no kakusei! Choukako no messeeji
Usagi's Awakening! A Message From The Distant Past

This episode centers on the sailor senshi, most importantly Usagi, being told the story of how their past lives ended so tragically and how the Dark Kingdom was responsible. The sailor senshi are teleported to the remains of the Silver Millenium, now just desolate ruins. A small hologram of Queen Serenity appears and recounts the story of Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion's love, and how in the end, they died together trying to protect the Moon. I found Queen Serenity's selflessness to be a very beautiful, but sad ordeal.
Episode 46
Episode #46: Usagi no omoi ha eien ni! Atarashiki tensei
Usagi's Everlasting Wish! A New Reincarnation

All of the other senshi have been killed in battle, leaving Sailormoon to finish the job on her own. She is teleported to Queen Beryl's lair, where she meets Endymion again, except this time, his brainwashing is complete. His eyes are extremely empty and his actions are terribly wicked. Sailormoon attempts to heal him with no success. Sailormoon endures being kicked around, choked, shocked, and brutalized. She loses her Moon Stick. Endymion picks her up and throws her, and she lands just inches away from it. But Sailormoon seems to have lost hope; she stares numbly at the Moon Stick while Queen Beryl tells her that everything she and the others have done is in vein. But then Sailormoon remembers her friends, and how they sacrificed themselves so she could live to battle Beryl. She regains some energy and just before Endymion lowers his sword onto her head, she pulls a silent, sad, Moon Tiara Action, sending Endymion into a shock and he stumbles to the ground. It almost looks like he's been beat, but he suddenly gets up again and prepares to kill Sailormoon. Instead of fighting, Sailormoon gets on her knees and pulls out the Moon Locket. She begs with Endymion to remember who he is. She begs him to remember their past lives. She pleads with him to just touch the locket. He does, and is purified by it. We see his memories as Mamoru and Endymion returning to him. He falls to the ground and a red rose falls out from his armor. He thanks Sailormoon, smiling weakly. Queen Beryl is enraged that Sailormoon would "steal" Endymion from her again. She sends a rock spear flying towards them; Endymion tries to stop it with a rose, which breaks it up into many pieces and the rose hits Beryl. One of the shards of the spear strike Endymion in the back. He lays in Sailormoon's arms and tells Sailormoon, "Hurry, leave this place...and go back to being an ordinary girl, and find a cool boyfriend..." Sailormoon says, "You're the coolest, Mamoru..." He smiles at her, then dies in her arms. She says her goodbyes to him and promises to do her best in battle, for him and the girls. She leaves the crumbling cavern to face Super Beryl (Beryl with Metallia's powers). Sailormoom transforms into Princess Serenity, and knowing full well that she will die using its powers, uses the ginzuishou. The spirits of the senshi lend their powers as the battle ensues. Super Beryl is enveloped by the light of the ginzuishou and is destroyed. Sailormoon lays on the ground, says, "Everyone...thank you..." Then she dies. As we see the light of the ginzuishou envelop the bodies of the senshi and Endymion, we hear Usagi's voice saying one of my favorite quotes, "When I wake up in the morning, a pure white lace curtain is rustling in the breeze. The Cuckoo Clock in the room say's it's 7 o'clock and Mom's voice says, 'You'll be late if you don't get up!' I'm still half asleep, and I think, 'Please let me sleep for three more minutes'. I'm late for school every single day like clockwork. My teacher makes me stand out in the hallway, and I get failing grades on my tests. The crepes we'd all eat on the way home...We'd gaze dreamily at a party dress in a show window. The little things bring such joy, and I'm happy. I wish...I wish I could go back to that normal kind of life. I want to go back." The ginzuishou grants Usagi's wish, and everyone is reincarnated with no memories of being a senshi. But they will awaken again one day...