Chibafied Episodes - Sailormoon R
Episode 50
Episode #50: Usagi no kiki! Tiara sadou sezu
Usagi's Crisis! The Tiara Doesn't Work

This one's one of my favorites. A Virtual Reality game theatre has just opened, and apparently from the longass line it produces, it's really popular. So, Ail and Ann decide it would be a good place to let a Cardian loose and drain everyone's energy. Seijuro and Natsumi (Ail & Ann's civilian/human identities) go into the theatre with Usagi and Mamoru. Of course, jealous rivalry ensues between Usagi and Natsumi over their beloved Mamoru. While both girls sort of try and force themselves onto Mamoru, Natsumi is much worse, and Mamoru begins to lose tolerance with her. However, he doesn't mind being with Usagi at all. ^_^ He actually goes so far as to push Natsumi away from him and scolds her for being so pushy. Usagi gets scared by one of the VR Monsters and runs away. Mamoru follows after her, yelling that a girl like her with no sense of direction will just get lost. He catches up with her and Usagi tries to shoot some of the monsters, but misses every time. :P Mamoru says, "It must be a special talent to be able to miss this many targets." Bwahaha. Anyway, Mamoru seems to have a really good time with Usagi in here, and he even grabs her arm and runs with her. He looks back and gives her a nice smile too ^^ But of course, the cardian screws everything up and breaks up the nice time. Shingo finds Usagi and Mamoru, and tells them that one of the monsters is attacking Kenji-Papa. Mamoru asks Shingo to show him where, and Shingo and Mamoru take off, telling Usagi it's too dangerous for her to go. Mamoru tries his best to protect Kenji-Papa and Shingo from the monster, but all he can do is throw his helmet at it. Well...he tried! He has no powers, you know. Anyway, of course Sailormoon shows up to save the day! Who knows how far it could have gone as a nice day together if that dumb cardian hadn't showed up?
Episode 53
Episode #53: Mamoru to Usagi no bebiishittaa soudou
Mamoru and Usagi's Babysitting Adventure

The episode starts out with a cardian attacking a daycare/preschool, sucking the energy from lots of babies and mothers alike. Usagi, Ami and Mamoru witness this terrible attack. Mamoru calls for an ambulance and the three of them ride in it with one of the mothers who was a victim. Once at the hospital, the doctors say that the mother will be okay in about three days. Her baby, Manami, went unharmed because she shielded him during the attack. One problem though - Manami's father was away on business so there was no one to take care of the baby. Mamoru then offered to take care of Manami at his place until the mother was well enough again. Usagi self-appoints herself as Mamoru's helper. Of course, hilarity ensues as Usagi tries to help Mamoru take care of the baby. The next day, Ann invites herself up to Mamoru's apartment to "help" with the baby. There's a great scene where the baby senses Ann's evil and proceeds to pee on her.
Episode 56
Episode #56: Mamoru no kisu ubae! Ann no shirayukihime sakusen
Steal Mamoru's Kiss! Ann's Snow White Strategy

Rei informs Usagi at the Hikawa Shrine that Mamoru has to put on a play for the theatre group at his college. But, it seems that his friends all argued over the casting and left. Rei found out when Mamoru left a prayer board at the shrine that says, "May the play be a success. Chiba Mamoru." So, the girls all volunteer to be in Mamoru's production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Usagi thinks that she could get the role of Snow White so she can kiss Mamoru in the big final scene. But of course, Natsumi shows up, and drawing twisted paper strings they decide who gets what parts. Yes, Natsumi cheats herself into getting the role of Snow White - and Usagi gets to play the hag witch. Ail gets jealous that Ann will be playing Snow White and gets to kiss Mamoru in the play, so he sends a cardian to attack Juuban Hall. The whole practice scene is pretty entertaining, and watching the girl fighting over the role of Snow White was pretty good too, like when Mako says, "Snow White should be played by the person with the biggest chest! That would be me!" The other girls protest and she sticks her boobs out and says, "Do you want to compare?" XD
Episode 59
Episode #59: Mezameru shinjitsu no ai! Makaiju no himitsu
True Love Awakens! The Makaiju's Secret

The Makaiju is getting pretty fed up with Ail and Ann, and is taking its wrath out on everyone around it. When the last episode left off, Usagi was in its clutches while Natsumi, Seijuro and Mamoru watched. The senshi are trying to get into the building while all of this is going on. In the next scene, the Makaiju has Mamoru seized as well. He calls out to Usagi and asks if she's all right. They both outreach and struggle to touch hands. They just barely do when Ail suddenly kicks their hands apart. The Makaiju shocks Mamoru unconcious and the senshi show up to help. Usagi transforms into Sailormoon and prepares to battle. She runs over to Mamoru and calls his name. He slowly raises his hand up and Sailormoon holds it. "Mamoru-san..." Ann gets really pissed off by this and blasts the both of them. Ail and Ann then command the Makaiju to obliterate Earth. The senshi try to counterattack but Ann just blasts them. Sailormoon lands by Mamoru, which brings him back to consciousness. She takes his hand and coaxes him to remember their past together. Ann decides it's a good time to blast the heck out of them again. Sailormoon jumps in front of Mamoru and takes the hit for him, which astonishes Ail and Ann. They can't understand why she would risk her life for Mamoru. She blasts again and suddenly Mamoru jumps up and puts himself in front of Sailormoon, getting badly injured again. Through Sailormoon and Mamoru's show of love, Ail and Ann begin to understand that love is not something that's stolen. Tsukikage no Knight appears and attempts to mediate the situation, but Ann doesn't want to hear it and blasts him into the Makaiju. The Makaiju gets really pissed off and out of anger, stabs Ann. Ail runs over to her and she dies in his arms. The Makaiju then speaks and retells the story of its last wandering children, Ail and Ann. It also tells them that it doesn't need the kind of energy they have been feeding it; it needs the energy of love. Sailormoon purifies the Makaiju and it is a seedling once more. Tsukikage no Knight appears to Sailormoon and explains how he really is a part of Mamoru. He tells her the regeneration will begin, and goes back into Mamoru's body. Mamoru regains conciousness, and his memories. Ann is also rejuvinated from death. Ail and Ann decide to take the seedling of the Makaiju and regrow it with the energy of love.
Episode 60
Episode #60: Tenshi? Akuma? Sora kara kita nazo no shoujo
An Angel? A Devil? The Mysterious Girl from the Sky

Heh, the episode where Chibiusa appears, yay!! Okay well...maybe not yay for a lot of you but I like her. Anyway, she falls from the sky and lands smack dab on top of a smooching Usagi and Mamoru. She holds a gun to Usagi's head and demands the ginzuishou from her. Usagi insists that she doesn't know what she's talking about. Chibiusa is rather intimidating acting like an evil little girl with a gun in this scene, after watching it again I thought that Chibiusa would work as a pretty good bad guy....yikes! Anyway, she shoots Usagi in the head. Don't worry! It was just a dart with a flower on the end. Mamoru gets pretty irritated by this because he thought for a second that this little strange girl really did shoot his Usako...after he makes sure Usagi's okay, he turns and says, "Stop playing these stupid jokes!" But, the girl is mysteriously gone...Usagi goes back to her house and finds the girl there, acting as part of her family. She has hypnotized the Tsukinos into believing that she is their niece, thus Usagi's cousin. Anyway, Usagi gets pretty irritated by her shenadigans the entire episode. We learn about the Black Moon Family in this episode also, and that stupid tool Rubeus (Guess who I don't like?). To cut to the chase, one of the Ayakashi sisters, Koan, shows up to capture the "Little Rabbit". Sailormoon and Tuxedo Kamen show up to rescue her. As Tuxedo Kamen holds the little girl in his arms, he sees a vision of a crystal kingdom...
Episode 61
Episode #61: Usagi dai shokku! Mamoru no zekkou sengen
Huge Shock for Usagi! Mamoru Declares a Breakup

Ah, yes. If Mamoru were a real person, I would have punched him in the face in this episode. I felt so terrible for Usagi crying in the phone booth when I first saw this. Anyway, the episode starts out on a high note, Usagi and Mamoru run into each other while Mamoru's on a jog. Mamoru says, "Usako! I'm impressed! Are you out for a morning jog, too?" Hehe. Usagi gets sidetracked and gives Mamoru a big hug and starts talking to him. Luna appears and reminds Usagi of what she's supposed to be doing - looking for Chibiusa! The three of them race off to go look for her. They find her sulking in a playground sitting on a swing. Mamoru kneels down and tells her that he'll take her home, to which she quickly agrees. He takes her tiny hand in his and he suddenly gets the vision of the crystal kingdom again. He gives her a piggy-back ride as they walk home, which irritates Usagi to no end. Chibiusa gets angry that Usagi keeps calling her "Chibiusa" because her name is Usagi. Mamoru says, "Oh! Sorry, sorry. But, I think Chibiusa is a pretty cute name." Usagi gets really jealous and while she's walking away says, "Why don't you go ahead and marry her, too?!" Bwahaha, that just cracks me up because it reminds me of PeeWee Herman, cause he used to say that all the time. "If you love it so much, then why don't you maaaarry it??" Er...I'm getting off-track. Anyways, they get back to the Tsukino residence, where Ikuko-Mama, Kenji-Papa and Shingo are glad to see that Chibiusa is safe. Usagi introduces Mamoru to Kenji-Papa, and Shingo says, "He's awfully good-looking to be stupid Usagi's boyfriend." Kenji-Papa freaks out, "WHAT?! BOYFRIEND?!" Mamoru gets a bit uncomfortable and says, "Oh, uh, I was just in the middle of my morning excuse me, bye!" and takes off. ;-) While Kenji-Papa's freaking out Ikuko-Mama leans over and whispers to Usagi that Mamoru was pretty handsome, and to bring him over next time Papa's not home. Later on, we see another vision of Mamoru's. It's the crystal kingdom again, but this time there are flashes of Princess Serenity, and crumbling rocks. Mamoru seems shaken by this vision, drops his books and holds his head. Usagi sees him and comes up to him. Mamoru then turns away from Usagi, and slightly sweating, tells Usagi that he doesn't love her anymore. Later on at Mamoru's apartment, Usagi tries to come and talk to him about it, where Mamoru is rather cruel. "What do you want?" Grr. He tells her the same thing he said earlier - still not looking at her - and Usagi gets rather upset. She tries to keep it together as she leaves, but finally breaks down in a phone booth on the street. "Mama, I'm sorry...I can't bring Mamo-chan home anymore..." :*( This was so sad for me, and still is.
Episode 66
Episode #66: Usagi no oyagokoro!? Karee na sankaku kankei
Usagi's Parental Love? A Curry Triangle Relationship

Whee, another one of my favorites. It seems that Chibiusa's class is having a curry party at school, where all of the kids bring their parents and make curry. Kenji-Papa and Ikuko-Mama can't go, so Usagi is supposed to take Chibiusa. At first, Chibiusa doesn't want "stupid Usagi" to go along, but Usagi tells her it will be okay and they'll even ask Mamo-chan to go. Chibiusa agrees to do it, and the next day Usagi goes to ask Mamoru. After a little hassle, Mamoru says yes, but he also says that he doesn't know how to make curry and rice. Usagi offers, "Just leave it to Chef Usagi!" and Mamoru replies, "You worry me." Bwahaha. Anyway, Usagi goes to Mako-chan's place to practice making curry. There's a pretty funny scene where Minako thinks she cut her finger off while chopping carrots, and Usagi and Minako freak out, thinking a piece of the carrot is her finger on the cutting board. Later that evening, Usagi and Chibiusa head out to the grocery store to buy the vegetables and such that they'll need. As they walk, they see a beautiful sunset, and Chibiusa thinks about when she took walks with her parents. In thought, she grabs Usagi's hand and walks, hand-in-hand with both Usagi and Mamoru. After Chibiusa takes her hand, Usagi gets a warm feeling. "I feel so comfortable when I'm like this," she thinks. Mamoru feels the same way and thinks, "Why do I feel so at peace when I'm like this?" Luna watches from the background and comments that it's a nice scene. But of course, Chibiusa ruins the mood when she snaps back to reality and realizes she's hlding Baka Usagi's hand...and they start arguing again :P To mess the day up further, the Ayakashi Sisters are doing bad deeds at the Juuban Market, and Sailormoon is needed to set things straight. After that whole ordeal, we cut back to Mamoru's house that night, where Usagi practices making the curry and rice. She makes a disaster area out of Mamoru's kitchen, but does actually finish making the meal. She presents it to a less than trusting Chibiusa and Mamoru, who wait for Usagi to take the first bite before they touch any of it. It does actually turn out well, despite its poor looks. Score one up for Usagi!
Episode 69
Episode #69: Mezame yo nemureru bishoujo! Mamoru no kunou
Awaken, Sleeping Beauty! Mamoru's Distress

In this episode we are finally shown why Mamoru is acting like a giant jackass to Usagi. We get to see the recurring nightmare he's been having that tells him if he stays close to Usagi, something terrible will happen to her. He even looks at a picture of himself and Usagi, and the image of Usagi in the picture closes her eyes, falls forward, and the glass breaks. Mamoru is obviously deeply disturbed ny the whole ordeal and wanders around town wondering why harm will come to his Usako if he is near her. Even Motoki notices how depressed he is. Motoki's sister Unazuki needs a ride home, and Mamoru offers to give her a hitch on his motorcycle. At a stop light, Usagi happens to be nearby and sees them. Unazuki asks who Usagi is, and Mamoru replies, "Just someone I know." Ouch! Don't you just wanna slap him. This makes Usagi understandably upset and she also thinks that Unazuki is Mamoru's new girlfriend. She gets extremely depressed. That That night, Usagi goes downstairs and starts eating stuff from the Fridge, crying. Luna comes in to talk to Usagi, but Usagi doesn't seem to care about anything because she's been rejected by Mamoru. Chibiusa overhears this, and is upset that Mamoru would have another 'girlfriend'. So, she decides the smartest thing to do is to run to Mamoru's apartment in the middle of the night. She almost gets hit by a bus in doing so, and when she freaks out releases a lot of her energy. The Black Moon targets her location to capture her. The senshi show up to rescue her, but Petz and Calaveras send a droid on them. The droid goes into Sailormoon and lulls her into an eternal sleep, draining her energy, which will eventually kill her. The others try to wake her up to no avail. A desperate Luna seeks out Mamoru at his apartment, and urges him to come to Usagi's rescue. He remembers the nightmare, and at first doesn't want to come, but Luna tells him that Usagi will die if he doesn't. Tuxedo Kamen arrives at the scene and tries to wake her up. He gets very upset when she doesn't. He holds onto her and says, "Usako, forgive me..." and finally kisses her. The droid is released from Sailormoon's body and she wakes up. To see more on this episode, see The Infamous Breakup.
Episode 73
Episode #73: UFO shutsugen! Sarewareta Seeraa Senshi tachi
A UFO Appears! The Sailor Soldier Are Abducted

In the previous episode, Chibiusa found out that Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako were the four sailor senshi and that Usagi was the legendary soldier, Sailormoon. She decides that Usagi is not responsible enough because she leaves her broach in her room while she's gone. Chibiusa is hell-bent on saving her mom on her own, and steals it. She tries to go back to the future, but is once again unsuccessful. Rubeus manages to corner Chibiusa while she's by herself. The inner senshi show up to save her, but after they get her to a safe place she promptly runs away from them, telling herself that she will not give up the ginzuishou. The girls look for her the whole evening. At about 10PM, Mamoru is heading back to his apartment and sees Chibiusa sleeping outside his door. He brings her inside, and later on she wakes up in his bed. Then, Mamoru does one of the weirdest things I've ever seen him do, he gets a little Tuxedo Kamen puppet to cheer up Chibiusa. Chibiusa asks the puppet, "Is Sailormoon strong?" Mamoru answers, "Yes. She's invincible." Chibiusa's stomach growls and Mamoru goes off to make her some pancakes. Suddenly, Chibiusa hears Usagi's voice at the door, asking if Chibiusa is there. Chibiusa uses Luna-P Henge to make a little parachute, and flees Mamoru's apartment. She then makes another attempt to go back to the future. Rubeus corners her again, the senshi just barely save her, but they themselves are sucked up into Rubeus' UFO...
Episode 74
Episode #74: Rubeusu wo taose! Uchuukuukan no kessen
Defeat Rubeus! The Final Battle In Space

Chibiusa figures out that Mamoru is Tuxedo Kamen, since she knows that Usagi is Sailormoon. Mamoru tries to get some information out of Chibiusa about what happened in the future to no avail, because she was so traumatized by the whole situation she doesn't really remember much. Back at Mamoru's apartment, Usagi contemplates about what she should do to save her friends. She secretly leaves on her own to go save them. The others find out that she's gone, and freak out. Mamoru turns around to talk to Chibiusa and gives a really funny face when he sees that she's suddenly gone also. Artemis says that she must have gone after Usagi. Mamoru says, "They both had the same idea! Unbelievable...They think as alike as if they were identical twins!" The three of them run after them, but are just barely too late - Sailormoon and Chibiusa have already been abducted by Rubeus' UFO, while Mamoru, Luna and Artemis can only look on in horror. On the UFO, of course, a battle ensues, and guess who wins? The sailor senshi, you got it. And that stupidass Rubeus ends up burning himself to death while the senshi teleport back to Earth. Moron.
Episode 77
Episode #77: Omoi ha onaji! Usagi to Mamoru no ai futatabi
Our Feelings are the same! Usagi and Mamoru in Love Again

It seems the new craze in town is to make these bracelets called "promise rings". They're bracelets, why they're called rings, I still can't figure it out. Usagi thinks of making one for Mamoru, but she remembers how he says that he doesn't love her anymore. She is rather down on the way home from school, despite Ami and Mako trying to cheer her up. Mamoru happens to walk by, and Usagi calls out to him. He looks at her, but keeps on walking. She yells, "Wait!" and goes to run after him, but trips and falls to the ground. Mamoru looks at her with very sad, quivering eyes - like he wants to run over and help her so badly. She whimpers as he begins to walk away again and says, "I've been trying to figure out why...but I just can't. Please tell me! Why don't you like me anymore?" Mamoru looks at her with the sad eyes again, then turns away and says, "It's just me being selfish...Please forgive me." With that, he leaves. Usagi gets the 'ingredients' to make her Promise Ring. Of course, it's been tainted by the Black Moon. Who didn't see that one coming? Back at Usagi's house, Usagi works on making the Promise Ring herself, but falls asleep. She has the same exact nightmare that Mamoru has been having, and she goes to his apartment to talk to him about it. She begins to understand why he has been so cold to her, but Mamoru still believes the nightmare's premonition and kicks her out. Meanwhile, Chibiusa and Luna wait for Usagi downstairs, when suddenly Usagi's unfinished promise ring clasps onto Chibiusa's hand, emitting some kind of power, draining Chibiusa's energy. Luna manages to bite it off, and Usagi realizes that all of the other promise rings must be doing the same thing. She races off to the Cram School to help the kids in trouble. Sailormoon battles the droid that has been the cause of it all, and is cornered. Tuxedo Kamen to the rescue, of course! The other senshi join in the battle and defeat the droid. After a little conversation with that cackling psycho Esmeraude, Tuxedo Kamen turns to everyone and says, "Sailormoon. Protecting our beloved city and the future city, Crystal Tokyo, is the duty that has been laid upon us. No matter what kind of hardships stand in our way, we have to overcome them and keep going. Sailor senshi...let us continue to fight together. Goodbye." With that, he takes off like lightning. The others urge Usagi to go after him, saying it's obvious by the passionate way they look at each other that their misunderstanding has been cleared up. Usagi runs after Mamoru, and when she finds him they have a nice little make-up scene.
Episode 82
Episode #82: Mirai he no tabidachi! Jikuu kairou no tatakai
Journey to the Future! Battle in the Space-Time Corridor

Chibiusa has second thoughts about going to the future and bring the senshi into danger with her. Mamoru finds her and asks what she's doing alone. He kneels down and says, "You're going to save your mom, right? Nothing's going to be resolved if you keep running away. Be confident. Have faith in your own strength and the strength of your friends. Let's all go to the future together. I'll protect you. Okay?" Meanwhile, the sailor senshi are waiting at the lake for Chibiusa to arrive. Tuxedo Kamen brings Chibiusa, and they prepare to go into the future. They make their way through the space time corridor, but of course that ho Esmeraude shows up and sends a blast towards them, separating them all from each other. The sailor senshi are all together, Tuxedo Kamen is with Luna and Artemis (woo, what an unstoppable team the three of them would make!) and Chibiusa is alone somewhere. As a battle ensues with a droid, they all manage to meet up together again. After they are reunited, they continue their way towards Crystal Tokyo. When the doors open, they see a dark, ravaged kingdom. "No way..." says a horrified Sailormoon.
Episode 83
Episode #83: Shougeki no mirai! Demando no kuroki yabou
The Shocking Future! Dimande's Dark Ambition

Once the senshi arrive in Crystal Tokyo, Chibiusa runs off to find her mother. The others try to look for her when they see a form walking towards them through the fog. Sailormoon thinks it's Tuxedo Kamen. "Two Tuxedo Kamens?!" Well, it's pretty weird for everyone, especially Tuxedo Kamen. As the figure draws nearer and becomes more clear, the man greets them to Crystal Tokyo. Sailormoon recognizes his voice as the coice from the nightmares. Sailormoon says, "That's right! He's the one who made that ominous prediction!" Tuxedo Kamen gets pretty angry about it and attempts to attack the man. But, he goes right through him. Sailormars says, "What the hell is going on?!" The figure says, "Do not look so surprised. I am King Endymion. That's right. I am you, in the future." Sailormoon questions why he would make her and Mamoru have such terrible dreams. Sailormercury also points out that he is not really there; he's a hologram. King Endymion says that she is correct and asks them all to follow him, so he can explain everything. They arrive at what used to be the base in the Crystal Palace. King Endymion says, "First, I want you to listen to what I am going to say now." He explains the calamity that befalls Earth in the near future, when the Earth goes into a Cold Sleep, for nearly a thousand years. He explains how the power of the ginzuishou and Neo-Queen Serenity awakened the Earth from its devastating slumber. He also explains that under Neo-Queen Serenity's rule, Earth became peaceful and prosperous, until a new enemy called the Black Moon Clan arrived, wreaking havoc on Crystal Tokyo. He explains how the senshi in the future encased Neo-Queen Serenity in a shield of quartz to protect her, and at that very instant still stood, creating a barrier around the Crystal Palace. He tells them that he is being represented as a hologram to them right now because his body was severely injured in battle and cannot move. And of course, Sailormoon hasn't gotten the fact that she is Neo-Queen Serenity. Endymion has to flat-out tell her. They also have to be flat-out told that Chibiusa is their daughter in the future. "What year, what month, what day did that happen?!" Sailormars yells. "It is true I showed you those ominous nightmares," says King Endymion, "you must be angry with me. But, in order to win this war, you will be no match if your love is fickle and insecure. Without the strong bond of love between you two, you are unlikely to surmount the upcoming crisis. That is why I put you through that trial. The strong love that will allow you to believe in each other, always trust each other, and love each other, no matter what happens. Sailormoon, Tuxedo Kamen, please protect Small Lady. I cannot be by her side...I cannot protect her." Tuxedo Kamen says, "King! I will protect her, even at the risk of my own life!" After the King leaves them, Prince Diamande shows up and kidnaps Sailormoon. Later on, Usagi wakes up someplace strange, wearing a dress. Prince Diamande uses his third eye to control Usagi and tries to kiss her. Tears fall from Usagi's face; she wants so desperately to just get away, but she cannot move. Tuxedo Kamen arrives just in time to break it up. He manages to rescue her and they take off together.