Chibafied Episodes - Sailormoon S
Episode 91
Episode #91: Ai no roddo tanjou! Usagi no shin henshin
Birth of a Rod of Love! Usagi's New Transformation

In the pervious episode, a daimon managed to mess up the ginzushou pretty badly, causing it to lose its light. Usagi can no longer transform into Sailormoon, and is rather depressed about it. Luna suggests that she go see Mamoru to cheer up. She meets Mamoru in the park and tells Mamoru she had a nightmare that she had to retire from being a sailor senshi. Mamoru tries to think of a way to cheer her up. He says, "I know!" and grabs her hand, asking her to come with him. He brings her to an old abandoned house, and Usagi thinks he brought her there to make out. She asks, "Is it okay that we came in here?" and Mamoru says, "Probably not." Mamoru holds a little kitten up to Usag'is face. He tells her that all the stray cats from the area stay here. The kittens do manage to cheer Usagi up. They go inside the abandoned house to find a little girl feeding all of the cats. Later on at the little girl's home, the daimon Nekonerru attacks her. She manages to escape her for a moment and runs to the abandoned house. Meanwhile around the other side of the house, the girls are visiting the kittens when they hear a scream. The girls come in to find the girl having her pure heart extracted. Usagi attempts to transform, but fails. The two mysterious senshi show up and return the pure heart to the little girl, but the inner senshi seem to have some trouble destroying Nekonerru. Nekonerru targets Usagi and begins to choke her with her tail, when a rose intervenes; Tuxedo Kamen on the scene. :) He tries to fight Nekonerru, but she's a bit too strong. She rips his cape to shreds. He tells Usagi to run away while he tries to fight some more. Usagi refuses, "No, I want to save them! And my darling, Mamo-chan..." She holds onto his hand tightly. Nekonerru attacks again, but suddenly a brilliant light emanates from Usagi and Mamoru's hands. They are in Serenity and Endymion attire. The ginzushou's light returns to it and Usagi's broach upgrades. A new weapon appears in front of Serenity and Endymion, and Serenity says, "Newly born by our power...what is its name?" Luna explains that it's the legendary Spiral Heart Moon Rod. Usagi uses her new transformation and weapon and destroys Nekonerru.
Episode 93
Episode #93: Usagi no akogare! Yuubi no tensai Michiru
Usagi's Yearning! The Elegant Genius Michiru

Usagi goes to Mamoru's apartment to bring him some cookies she made. She knocks on his door only to find he isn't there. The genius managed to leave his door unlocked though, so Usagi walked into the living room. She noticed some books on his coffee table about genetic engineering that she can't understand, and said Mamoru is in a higher level, in University. She then proceeds to spill the cookies all over the place, and freaks out. While she's cleaning up, she says, "I guess they don't match Mamoru...burnt cookies..." and gets rather sad. Mamoru comes in and sees Usagi sobbing. He asks what's wrong, and picks up a burnt cookie and looks at it, and Usagi starts wailing. "As I thought, I am disqualified from being Mamoru's bride!" Mamoru smiles and says, "Don't cry!!" He eats the cookie (while trying his best to not make a face) and says, "N-not too bad, with a bit of a sour taste!" Usagi says, "Mamo-chan..." Mamoru says, "Usako, you should be as you are now." Usagi gives him a big hug and he chuckles. Later on, Michiru gives Usagi some tickets to a violin concert that evening that she is playing in, and says that she should go, and bring her darling. That night, on the way to the concert, Usagi says to Mamoru, "You look nice without a mask, Tuxedo Mamo-chan!" Inside from the balcony, Michiru and Haruka look to find Usagi. Haruka finds her through her binoculars sitting with Mamoru. Haruka says, "There she is! And such a nice looking man!" Michiru replies, "Really? Good for her; such a young girl!" Haruka says, "You sound like an old woman." The concert starts, but all Usagi can seem to keep her eyes on is Mamoru. Rei whacks her one in the head, and says, "Usagi! Look forward!" They make a scene and everyone shushes them, hehe. Suddenly the performer's violin turns into a daimon. After the battle, Usagi is disappointed that they had to miss a good performance. Mamoru asks Usagi if he should treat her to something instead. Rei grabs Mamoru's arm and says, "Of course, you'll treat the rest of us, too?" Mamoru nods and Usagi gets angry at everyone for huddling around Mamoru. Michiru and Haruka watch from a bridge and say that they're cute.
Episode 94
Episode #94: Pyua na kokoro wo mamore! Teki mikata mitsu tomoe ransen
Protect The Pure Heart! The Three-Way Battle Between Enemies And Allies

Usagi sees Mamoru giving Unazuki a lift on his motorcycle and comes up to say hi. Usagi compliments Mamoru on his outfit, "You look perfect! Hey, nice-looking man!" Mamoru laughs and says, "Is that right?" Usagi says, "Well, you have such a good style that anything fits right with you." Mamoru blushes and says, "Come on, Usako!" Unazuki watches them, smiling. In the next scene Unazuki and Usagi are chatting at the Crown Fruit Parlor. Unazuki asks if Usagi's ever kissed Mamoru. Usagi acts rather shy about it and Unazuki assumes that she never has; Usagi looks a little shocked but doesn't really correct her either. I also just realized that Unazuki is older than Usagi, too. I always thought she was around the same age...oh well. Anyway, Unazuki says she wants her first kiss to be with someone extra special. Oh, and if you didn't guess by now, Unazuki is the daimon target for this episode. The daimon manages to extract Unazuki's pure heart; so she is empty and also no longer wishes for her first kiss to be special, so she just goes around trying to kiss the first person she sees. The girls are the first ones to find her, and Unazuki tries to kiss Mako. After the pure heart is returned to Unazuki, Usagi notes how precious and important a kiss is. Minako says, "By the way, Usagi, do you know of someone who does such a precious thing with someone all the time?" Usagi goes out onto the balcony to talk to him. He says what a relief it is that Unazuki was saved. Usagi and Mamoru go to kiss, but Usagi stops and says, "Hey Mamo-chan, do you remember our first kiss?" Mamoru blushes and says, "Well...that was..." Usagi replies, "Perhaps you don't remember?" Mamoru says to forget it, but Usagi says, "No! The first kiss is important!" Mamoru tries to change the subject, "Oh! The moon is beautiful, Usagi!" She says, "Mamo-chan!"
Episode 101
Episode #101: Usagi namida Tanjoubi ni glass no kutsu wo
Usagi In Tears! Glass Slippers for her Birthday

It's June 30th, Usagi's 15th birthday! Usagi announces this happily to the girls in the park, who each seem less than thrilled. They all have their noses in a book, studying. A few moments later they all get up and walk away. "Is that all you've got to say?!" Usagi says. Rei replies, "Yes, it is. And don't be late for the four o'clock study session!" With that, they're gone. Usagi cries, "You guys are terrible!!" Later on, Usagi walks in the Juuban 10th Street Shopping District, where she sees a pair of pretty glass slipper in a shop window. "I wonder if someone will give me such a beautiful pair of slippers for a present..." She recalls the story of Cinderella and says, "I'll get my prince to get them for me!" Usagi runs off to find Mamoru. Haruka and Michiru see them from where they are sitting in a coffee shop. Usagi runs up to Mamoru and grabs his arm. Mamoru asks what's up. Usagi says, "Mamo-chan, I've been looking for you!" Mamoru seems a bit puzzled, "Oh? Why?" Usagi snickers and thinks, "He says, 'why'...come on, Mamo-chan, don't pretend!" She gives him a lovey look and says, "Mamo-chan, I want something as a present..." Mamoru says, "Right..." Usagi continues, "I want a pair of glass slippers if you want to give me a present, my prince!" Mamoru is totally confused. He says, "Christmas is still far away." Usagi rips her hand away from him and with a clenched fist replies, "Of course! Mamo-chan, don't you know what today is?!" Mamoru replies, "Today! ...What is it..." Usagi looks mortified and thinks, "Oh myGod!!" Mamoru quickly says, "Uh, I'm kidding, I'm kidding! I'd never forget such an important day!" Usagi gets hopeful again, but Mamoru says, "It's the day we first met, right?" Usagi then brings her hand back and slaps Mamoru right across the face. She says, "That's wrong, you pumpkin!" Haha, she called him a pumpkin. Anyway, Mamoru is still completely and utterly confused as to what the hell is going on. Later on, Mamoru calls Rei at the shrine. He says, "I don't know why, but I made her angry." Rei says, "Mamoru, you've been the same for ages! You don't understand a girl's pure heart!" Mamoru says, "What do you mean?" Rei replies, "Today is Usagi's birthday, isn't it?" Mamoru says, "Oh, that's why she was so angry!" A depressed Usagi walks up the shrine steps and thinks about how she had hit Mamoru earlier. When she goes inside, she is surprised to find...well, a surprise party, for her. Meanwhile, Mamoru goes to the shopping district to find the slippers that Usagi wanted. Kaolinite sees him, and puts a daihmon in the slippers. Back at the shrine, Usagi confesses to hitting Mamoru. Rei says, "You were saying that Mamoru forgot your birthday, right? But maybe, Mamoru didn't forget; he just didn't know." It's then that Usagi realizes - she never told him when her birthday was. Oops! Usagi decides to go apologize to Mamoru for abusing him ^^;; At the same time, Mamoru is running to find Usagi with the slippers he just bought. They meet halfway, and after Usagi apologizes, Mamoru says, "I've been looking for you, my princess." He kneels down and takes one of the slippers out of the box. As Usagi places her foot inside, the daihmon is released, blasting Usagi and Mamoru apart. The daihmon corners Usagi, and Mamoru tries to stop it but is knocked away. Usagi grabs her broach to transform, but the daihmon knocks it out of her hand, and says, "Don't try to hit me with that thing!" Neptune and Uranus watch in the background as the daihom begins to extract Usagi's pure heart. Just before the daihmon gets its hands on Usagi's unusually brilliant pure heart, a rose intervenes, sending the heart crystal back inside Usagi. Tuxedo Kamen picks Usagi up and they escape to a rooftop. He apologizes to Usagi, and says it's all his fault that they're after her. The daihmon chases Usagi and Tuxedo Kamen to a parking garage, where Tuxedo Kamen has a battle with the daihmon. He manages to break the daihmon's sword, but it retaliates by encasing him in a block of ice....
Episode 104
Episode #104: Tomodachi wo motomete! Chibi Moon no katsuyaku
Searching For Friends! Chibi Moon's Activity

Well, Chibiusa's back in present day Tokyo to train as Sailorchibimoon. Her mother told her to try and make good friends as well, since she doesn't have that many kids to play with in Crystal Tokyo. While on her search, she runs into Mamoru and Usagi. She promptly jumps on Mamoru, which as per usual ticks Usagi off. She says that she and Mamoru are on a date. Chibiusa obviously doesn't care. Usagi starts pulling Mamoru away while Chibiusa clings to him, and Mamoru tries to mediate; "Let's have tokiyaki together!" Cut to the next scene with the three of them sitting quietly on a bench eating the tokiyaki. Chibiusa says, "Mamo-chan, let me feed you!" Usagi gets angry and says, "No, I'll do it!" So they both try to jam tokiyaki down Mamoru's throat. Just then Haruka and Michiru come by and talk to them. They seem to forget about trying to feed Mamoru, who is now choking. Chibiusa and Usagi start arguing again and once Mamoru's okay again he jumps up and says, "Quiet! Stop it, you guys!" Haruka and Michiru are amused. They ask them if they'd like to go have tea. Mamoru was about to say no but Usagi quickly agreed. Usagi thinks that they're going to have tea and pudding, cake etc. but they end up taking them to a traditional japanese tea ceremony. The tea server is named Tamasaburou, a little boy that Chibiusa had seen earlier. She thinks she wants to make friends with this boy. Usagi tells Chibiusa that her toes are numb (they are sitting with their legs underneath them). Usagi makes fun of how impolitely Chibiusa is eating her dumplings compared to Michiru and Haruka, and Chibiusa punches Usag'is numb feet. Tamasaburou says that if they need to stretch their legs to feel free to. To make Usagi and Chibiusa feel at ease, Tamasaburou does a little trick where he spins a very valuable cup on the end of a stick. The cup is worth about ten million yen. Usagi freaks out and tells him to stop because it's so expensive, but Usagi is Usagi of course, and manages to knock the bowl away. Haruka, Michiru and Mamoru all jump up at the same time to save the bowl - they do, but they're all also stepping on Usagi's head. Later on, Usagi, Chibiusa and Mamoru are eating dessert outside at a little cafe. Chibiusa says she hates Usagi for embarrassing her in front of Tamasaburou. Usagi retorts, "You embarassed me in front of Haruka and Michiru!" Mamoru asks Chibiusa if she likes Tamasaburou. Chibiusa says that her mother told her she should make many friends in the 20th century. Mamoru says, "I see. In the future, you don't have many friends to play with, do you?" Usagi feels bad and says she would have helped if she had told her. Chibiusa says if she helped it would have been a disaster. Usagi gets ready to fire something back but Mamoru hurries up and covers Usagi's mouth and says that they should reconcile. Later on, who would have seen this coming? Tamasavurou is the Death Busters' next target. The sailor senshi show up to save him, of course. The next day, Usagi and Chibiusa are on their way to Tamasaburou's when they see Haruka and Michiru running away from there. They wonder what's up and go inside. They come in to see Tamasaburou in sailor senshi drag. "I found a new way to hold the tea ceremony after seeing soldiers in my dream!" Sailor Tamasaburou! Well, that's enough for them....they go running too. I guess Chibiusa's gonna have to find a different friend...
Episode 108
Episode #108: Usagi no dance he waltz ni notte
Usagi's Dance Is The Waltz

The girls are all studying in Mamoru's apartment because he has air conditioning. Ami notes that all of the books on his shelves are of a very high academic level. Mamoru suggests to the girls that they study English together. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Usagi says, "We don't want to subscribe to any more newspapers." The man says in English, "Good afternoon, young lady." Usagi freaks out and says, "I" Well, she's at least trying to say she doesn't speak very good English. He says, "Oh, you don't speak English!" and starts speaking japanese. Mamoru greets the man as Edwards. Edwards greets him and the other girls, who do their best to speak English. Minako's pretty good at English, actually, so she says "Nice to meet you." Rei says, "Hello!" Ami says, "I am glad to see you!" and Mako says, "Thank you!" Edwards tells Mamoru that he has come to invite him to a party at his mansion. He says that all of the girls are invited too. Later on, Mamoru explains that Edwards is a British gentleman who lives on the outskirts of town. The girls realize that since it's a party for international students, most everyone will be speaking English. Mamoru says, "So, to avoid feeling left out, you should practice speaking English!" Usagi is less than thrilled to have to study in order to go to a party. At the party, Usagi separates from the others for a moment to study some English real quick. "N..Nisu...too..meeto...ja naku te, meeto..." (, Usagi says that she should have a glass of juice and calm down. Not looking, she picks up a glass of liquor and downs it. Mamoru is talking to some friends about physics, when a drunken Usagi stumbles up to him and grabs his arm. "Phase Relativity Pudding?" she says. "Let's see...that is, you should put eggs, milks and sugar together, and cover it and steam it for about 30 minutes, something like that! Oh! Don't forget to use fresh cream, okay?" Mamoru's friends obviously don't know Usagi, and they say, "Oh? She's comparing the theory of relativity to pudding? That's quite a unique perspective!" Usagi jumps in front of them and says, "Oh! My fellow guests can speak japanese? You must be Edoko!" Ami and Edwards see Usagi talking loud nonsense while Mamoru tries to get her to stop. Usagi says, "Mamo-chan, for the future international student culture exchange, you should be like a BOOM!" She then promptly raises her arms up and punches Mamoru one in the face. One of the other guys says, "Usagi, you're so unique and charming!" Usagi says, "Yeah! Nice to meet you, cream stew!!" Ami remarks that she's drunk as she helps the injured Mamoru up and his eyes bug out. Usagi continues talking, "Don't worry! Big bowl of curry!" Edwards gently takes Usagi away and says, "My lady, would you come over here?" and asks Mamoru to take Usagi to the balcony for some uh...fresh air. Usagi says, "See you again! I'm not giving you anything!!" Mamoru and the girls accompany Usagi while she recovers from her drunken stupor on the balcony. Later on, Michiru asks Mamoru to dance, likewise for Haruka and Usagi. Mamoru and Michiru have a fairly deep discussion about Edwards, each vaguely making references to their missions as soldiers and the subject of sacrifice for the greater good. Later on, Edwards is targeted for his pure heart. Sailor senshi to the rescue, of course.
Episode 116
Episode #116: Arashi nochi Hare! Hotaru ni Sasageru Yuujo
Sunny Skies After a Storm! A Friendship Dedicated to Hotaru

While Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna are suspicious that Hotaru has some sort of evil entity about her, Chibiusa and the others are making attempts to befriend her and make her feel welcome. Chibiusa invites Hotaru to go on a picnic with Usagi and Mamoru. Hotaru agrees and they go the next day. It's a nice sunny day, and the girls seem to be having fun while Mamoru takes pictures. Hotaru gets a little out of breath while playing leapfrog, and Mamoru runs over to see if she's okay. She says she is. Later on, he tells her that a graduate friend of his works as a botanist in the park they are visiting. His work involves the study of roses. Inside, they all meet up with Mamoru's graduate friend. The man says, "You've still got pretty ladies with you all the time!" Usagi gets mad and says, "'Still'?" Mamoru says, "I-it's a joke!" Outside, they all sit down to eat. Chibiusa isn't eating the bell peppers Usagi made, and Usagi gets mad. Chibiusa says, "Mamo-chan isn't eating his either!" Usagi demands him to eat. Mimete watches them having a nice time from inside the greenhouse and decides that Mamoru will be her next target. Inside the Tropical Plants part, Mimete tries to get Mamoru alone. He says, "I'm sorry, but I'm here to spend time with my family." He pulls Usagi and Chibiusa close to him. Mimete says, "Oh, are they your sisters?" Mamoru replies, "No, they're my future wife and child. Now, please excuse me..." and walks away. While Usagi is being all googly-eyed over the fact that Mamoru said "future wife", Mimete gets ready to unleash the daihmon, but she remembers that Professor Tomoe wanted her to go after the botanist, not Mamoru. In the end, Mimete does end up going after the botanist. After some fighting, the daihmon manages to trap Sailormoon, Tuxedo Kamen and Chibimoon. Hotaru wakes up from being knocked unconscience and sees their peril. Hotaru gets a strange look in her eyes and picks up one of the roots attached to the daihmon. A powerful energy emanates from her as her eyes turn red. The roots dry and wither, setting the others free. Sailormoon transforms into Super Sailormoon and pulls a Rainbow Moon Heart Ache. And once again, the day is saved.