Chibafied Episodes - SuperS
Episode 132
Episode #132: Oniai no futari! Usagi to Mamoru no ai
A Couple Made for Each Other! Usagi and Mamoru's Love

In this episode we get to meet two of Mamoru's schoolfriends, Kobayashi and a girl who has a secret crush on him, Saori. Mamoru has them over for some tea and dessert, and invites Usagi and Chibiusa too, of course. Chibiusa gets a little suspicious and thinks that Mamoru and Saori are having an affair. She has a nightmare that Mamoru leaves Usagi for Saori, and I found this nightmare to be hilarious. Mamoru says, "I want you to break up with me, Usako. Actually...I've been in love with Saori. I finally realized that." Then he starts petting her on the head and says, "See, I love her this much! See, see?" It's hilarious. Maybe you just have to see it. Anyway, Chibiusa wakes up and gets pretty scared because she knows that if Mamoru and Usagi don't get together, she'll never be born. Of course she cares about their relationship as well, not just for that reason. She tries to get Usagi to clue in on it, but Usagi has no doubts about Mamoru's love and will hear nothing of it. She'd rather figure out whether she wants the stuffed hippo or the stuffed horse. So, Chibiusa spies on Mamoru and Saori as they go shopping one afternoon. And whatdya know? Kobayashi's spying too. He really likes Saori, but he knows that she really likes Mamoru. He says that if Mamoru had a really "serious" girlfriend, that he would have a chance with Saori. I guess he doesn't know that despite Usagi's antics, they really are serious. King and Queen of the world ring a bell? Anyway, Saori gets ready to confess her feelings directly to Mamoru, who is a completely clueless dummy, when Tigerseye shows up and captures Saori to look into her Dream Mirror. Mamoru tries to help her, but Tigerseye pins Mamoru to the stone steps with knives. Usagi and Chibiusa step onto the scene as this occurs and transform into Sailormoon and Sailorchibimoon. Tigerseye unleashes Pooko-chan, a balloon-type remless. Pooko-chan starts to suffocate Chibimoon, as Sailormoon tries to stop her. Pooko-chan decdes to go after Saori instead, but when she hears Mamoru yell for Saori to look out, she decides that Mamoru is better looking and flies over to suffocate and kill him instead. Just before Pooko-chan can make it there, Sailormoon jumps in the path and Pooko-chan starts to suffocate her. Mamoru says, "Get out of the way, Sailormoon!" but she refuses. Pooko-chan looks touched and says, "You're going to save him, using your body as a shield! How beautiful!" Mamoru struggles to no avail and screams, "Damnit, stop it!!" Pooko-chan replies, "It's all right. Right after I kill her, I will kill you, too." Sailormoon begins to lose strength and her arms stop grabbing Pooko-chan as she heads towards unconciousness. Mamoru looks mortified, and screams, "USAKO!!!!" Saori hears him scream Usagi's name, and realizes Sailormoon is Usagi. "I see..." she says weakly. Mamoru freaks out and manages to break free. He grabs one of the knives that was holding him down and stabs Pooko-chan, and catches Sailormoon. After disposing of Pooko-chan, Mamoru thanks Sailormoon and they gaze at each other lovingly. Saori seems disappointed for a moment, but then becomes glad for their happiness. The next day, Saori meets up with Kobayashi at school. Kobayashi asks, "You told Chiba-sempai how you felt, right? Saori smiles and shakes her head no. Kobayashi asks why, but Saori doesn't answer that question. Instead, she gives Kobayashi the tie that she had bought for Mamoru. Kobayashi asks, "Are you giving up on him? Aren't you being a little weak-willed?" Saori laughs and replies, "There's no way I can win against the girl who is upkeeping peace all over the world."
Episode 133
Episode #133: Artemis no uwaki? Nazo no koneko toujou
Artemis' Affair? A Mysterious Kitten Appears

The episode starts out with a study session between Mamoru, Usagi and Chibiusa in Usagi's room. A pretty funny scene ensues, which you can read in the SuperS season of the Quotes page. Luna and Artemis come in the room, and Luna accuses Artemis at getting googly-eyed over a Nun at the church. Artemis insists that it's just a misunderstanding. Mamoru says, "You have a good eye for women, Artemis. That nun really is beautiful." Usagi and Chibiusa get angry and Mamoru covers his mouth as he realizes what he just said ^^;; After "study time" is over, Mamoru tells Usagi and Chibiusa to do 5 pages each of their math problem sets. Usagi and Chibiusa look less than thrilled, but Mamoru says if they don't do them, he won't come by to study anymore. They agree, and Mamoru leaves with Artemis in his arms. "Cheer up, Artemis.." Usagi and Chibiusa scold Luna for being so rough on Artemis. Cut back to Mamoru and Artemis, who looks depressed and says, "To have Luna tell me off like that..." Mamoru replies, "That's because you were caught gawking at someone else in front of the one you really care for." Artemis says, "I'm telling you, it's a misunderstanding!!" Their conversation is cut short when a little grey kitten suddenly jumps out of the bushes and says, "Father! I'm so glad to have met you. I'm Diana, father!" Mamoru says, "F-father??" Artemis jumps down from Mamoru's arms and asks if it's some kind of mistake, but Diana runs up and rubs up against Artemis, so glad to see him. Suddenly a very angry Luna appears, and assumes that Artemis has been having an affair to have a kitten. Artemis insists it's a mistake, but Luna says, "A cat that speaks HAS to be YOUR child!" She then wacks him one and takes off, and Artemis goes after her, leaving Mamoru and the new kitten Diana alone. Later on, Tigerseye attacks the nun that Artemis was accused of gawking at. Towards the end of the battle, Tuxedo Kamen shows up and pulls Diana out of his hat ^_^ After the battle is over, Chibiusa and Diana explain that Diana is from the future, and is the daughter of Luna and Artemis. Artemis also finally gets to explain the misunderstanding. "It wasn't the nun! I was just thinking it'd be nice if even cats could have a wedding in a church like that..." Luna blushes. Artemis looks down at Diana and says, "I think I understand how Mamoru feels now." Mamoru replies, "Really? You'll be in lots of trouble from now on. You want a drink tonight?" Usagi and Chibiusa say, "MAMO-CHAN!!!"
Episode 136
Episode #136: Mamoru wo mamore! Ninja Usagi no yakimochi
Protect Mamoru! Jealous Ninja Usagi

This episode features what I endearingly refer to as horse-faced Mamoru. Mamoru throughout the whole episode gets drawn with an unusually elogated face. It's not that bad, just...different. Anyway, everyone's having a study session at Mamoru's apartment. Mamoru is helping Ami with some advanced work, and Usagi gets jealous. Diana smells smoke outside and declares, "Fire!!!!" Everyone freaks out, except for Mamoru who tells everyone to calm down. Everyone runs around, knocking stuff over, and Rei grabs the fire extinguisher and sets it off all over the apartment. In the next scene everyone sits in an ashamed-looking row as Mamoru calmly tells them, "What Diana saw was the smoke from the kitchen as some fish were being charbroiled." Diana apologizes, but Rei says that it was her fault, not Diana's. Mako asks Mamoru what he's going to do since the apartment is uninhabitable for a little while. Rei offers Mamoru a spare room at the Hikawa Shrine. Usagi gets jealous again, and tells Mamoru to stay at her house. That wouldn't settle well with Mama and Papa though so...the Hikawa Shrine it is. Yuuichirou is pretty pissed off that Mamoru is there, thinking that he will steal Rei away, especially since they used to date. Diana stays with Mamoru at the shrine as he works relentlessly to get his project done by the morning. She says it's a nice quiet room to allow "Mamoru-sama" to concentrate. Mamoru smiles and says, "You know, Diana, can you stop calling me SIR Mamoru? Mamo-chan is just fine." Diana refuses and says she must call him that because he will be the future King of Earth. Mamoru gets up and starts to walk towards the door. He leans down and says, "I'm going to get a bath. Care to join me?" To which Diana blushes and seems shocked. She's so cute. Anyway, Rei walks down the hall towards the bath and casually walks in - walks in on Mamoru completely naked, that is. Rei screams and runs out and Mamoru quickly jumps into the tub. Yuuichirou comes running and realizes what happened, and gets mad at Mamoru. Rei runs back to her room, where she hears a voice. Usagi creeps out from under the furniture, dressed in a pink ninja outfit. Usagi asks where he is, and Rei says he's in the bath. Usagi says, "The bath?" and looks at Rei. Her face is a little red. Usagi says, "You didn't peek, did you?" Rei's face gets really red. "I didn't see it because I wanted to see it!" Rei says. Usagi proceeds to flip out - "YOU SAW HIM NAKED?!?!" Meanwhile, Yuuichirou throws some more wood onto the fire underneath the bathhouse. Mamoru opens the window a bit and says to Yuuichirou that the bath is a little hot. Yuuichirou says, "Oh?" and after Mamoru closes the window Yuuichirou throws about three more logs onto the fire. From inside Mamoru yells, "H-HOT!!" the next morning, Mamoru tries desperately to finish his project. Outside, a remless appears, battling Sailormoon and Sailorchibimoon. Sailormoon yells for Mamo-chan. Inside, Mamoru thinks he hears something. "Is Usako calling me?" But Diana says, "Sir Mamoru, if you don't do your best you won't finish your project in time!" Mamoru says, "Yeah I know...I'll do it, I'll do it..." and continues his work. After the battle the gang is at the Crown Fruit Parlor, where Usagi yells at Mamoru for not coming to save her. Diana looks ashamed and Mamoru apologizes; where were his Tuxedo Kamen senses then, anyway?
Episode 140
Episode #140: Mini ga daisuki! Oshare na senshi tachi
Love those Mini Skirts! The Fashionable Soldiers

This episode isn't really Chibafied but there's one good scene in here that I wanted to include. Mamoru takes Usagi shopping in a clothing boutique, where Usagi proceeds to freak out over all the beautiful clothes she likes. "Oh see this one! This is the one that was featured at the fashion show! It's so cute! And this one's good too! And this one over here!" The saleslady and Mamoru look on in the background with sweatdrops. The saleslady says, "It's been almost an hour. Can she at least shop around a little more quietly...?" Mamoru apologizes. He then says, "Usako, I'll buy you an can we leave soon?" Usagi replies, "It's all right, I'm happy just looking at them." Mamoru says, "No, I want to buy you one." Usagi then gets all googly-eyed as romantic music plays in the background and says, " care about me that much?" Mamoru replies, "Now, let's hurry and pay for this and leave." And the romantic music stops instantly. Bwahahaha. Afterwards outside the shop, Mamoru looks down into his empty wallet. Usagi blushes and thanks Mamoru. She says, "What do you think happens when you spell out my heart in four syllables right now?" Mamoru says, "Boo-hoo-hoo-hoo?" Usagi says, "Oh geez!" and blushes. She turns to him and says, "Pure happiness." Mamoru smiles and puts his arm around Usagi as they walk down the street.
Episode 142
Episode #142: Himitsu no yakata! Ai no menyuu wo anata ni
Mansion of Secrets! The Menu of Love For You

Usagi and Chibiusa see a stingy old lady at the supermarket who bamboozles her way into using an expired coupon. Later on, Mamoru happens across the same old lady at a crosswalk, when it begins to rain. Mamoru offers his umbrella to her to be gentlemanly, but she says, "What do you mean by this? To lend an umbrella to a woman you've never seen nor heard of...I wonder what you're expecting right now!" Mamoru looks stunned. "Besides, my house is close by." She then walks away as Mamoru watches her. He says, "What the...?" After he is out of his shock, he starts to walk across the street, when a bus comes up and almost hits him. The cats just happen to see that happen, and Artemis says, "That's a sight he can't show others..." Diana gets angry and says, "So cruel to reject Sir Mamoru's kindness like that! I'll go complain to that lady!" Luna and Artemis try to stop her, but Diana runs right to the old lady, who takes her in her house. The old lady is actually very kind and takes her inside the house and feeds Diana. Back at the Crown Parlor, Usagi yells at Mamoru for lending an umbrella to another woman. Mamoru says, "She was older than your mother, Usako!" Minako says, "Mamoru's only flaw is that he's TOO kind to women." Ami replies, "Flaw? Isn't that one of his strong points?" Makoto says, "It's both, when we're talking about Mamoru." Then Usagi accuses him of going after the old lady's inheritence. The next day, Chibiusa goes to the old lady's house to thank her for taking care of Diana. While there, she learns that the lady isn't stingy at all, she's just very defensive because people are always trying to seize her property, which she and her lover were originally going to make into a restaurant. Hawkseye intrudes later on and looks into the old lady's dream mirror. As usual, Sailormoon and Sailorchibimoon save the day. :) After the battle, Usagi, Mamoru and Chibiusa help the old lady and she wakes up. Her old lover enters, they make up, and finally achieve the dream they once had together - they make the mansion into a wonderful restaurant.
Episode 146
Episode #146: Juubangai no kyuujitsu! Mujaki na oujosama
Holiday in Juubangai! A Carefree Princess

Princess Rubina of Amethyst Kingdom is on holiday in Juuban. Luna and Diana watch the news about her on TV about how she was treated by a doctor for her cold, so she couldn't go to a scheduled appearance and banquet. Diana says, "That reminds me...The King and Queen of the future always had a fever just on the days where they had stuffy ceremonies to attend..." Luna looks a little surprised, and Diana says, "But there's really nothing to worry about because they're always well by the time the event ends." Luna thinks, "The King fakes an illness as well...??" Meanwhile, Usagi and Chibiusa are arguing in the street over carrying bags, when suddenly a woman comes up and separates them. "Fighting is unfit for pretty girls. I will take care of this somehow," she says. She then asks two random guys to carry the bags for them. Usagi snd Chibiusa get a little uncomfortable and take off. "What WAS she?" Usagi asks. Later on, Usagi and Chibiusa put on their kimonos and get ready to go down to the Juuban Fair. When they open the door, that strange lady is there again. "Can we help you?" Usagi asks. The lady replies, "Nice to meet you. My name is Rubina." After introducing themselves, Usagi and Chibiusa head on down to the fair. Rubina seems amazed at all the activity at the fair. Rubina seems to act pretty overly-amazed the whole time and Chibiusa says, "She doesn't seem like your ordinary tourist, does she?" Later on, Usagi and Chibiusa lose sight of Rubina. She is hiding a little bit behind the main hussle of the fair, where Mamoru, Luna, Artemis and Diana see her. Rubina sees Mamoru approach. "Who are you?" she asks. Mamoru says, "You don't have to run. I'm not someone they sent after you. After you have a little more fun, it's better for you to go back to the hotel. I understand how you long for freedom. But, have you ever thought about of every one of the many people who care about you would be worried?" Usagi and Chibiusa find Rubina talking to Mamoru. They say hi to him and he says, "Yo", and it sounds really cute ^_^ Chibiusa asks what Mamoru's doing with Miss Rubina. Mamoru lies and says, "When I was looking for the two of you, I bumped into Miss Rubina and was being asked directions," he looks at Rubina, "Right?" Rubina blushes, knowing that Mamoru lied to keep her identity secret. Mamoru says he has to get going. Miss Rubina watches as he leaves and says, "Mister Mamo-chan..." Anyway, Mamoru meets back up with the cats again and says that he's pretty sure she's the real princess. After the fireworks, Hawkseye kidnaps Rubina and looks into her dream mirror. Sailormoon and Chibimoon show up to save her, along with Tuxedo Kamen. Later on, Mamoru and the girls drop Rubina off near the hotel. Usagi and Chibiusa still never picked up that Rubina was the princess...
Episode 148
Episode #148: Kyoaku no kage! Oitsumerareta torio
Shadows of Great Evil! The Trio is Cornered

I really like the Amazon Trio, and this episode marks the beginning of the end as far as their reign as the 'current villians' goes. The episode starts out with the Trio discussing their recent failure, when Zircon arrives with the photo of a new target. Turns out it's a guy, who Fisheye thinks is very hot. And guess who the guy is? Mamo-chan, of course! Cut to the girls and Mamoru at the fish store, looking at all the exotic fish. Usagi drags him all over the place in her excitement. Mamoru walks away from the girls for a moment to look at some fish on the other side of the store, when a strange 'woman' arrives. It's Fisheye in his womanly bod, of course. He tries to say something provocative while holding up a piece of glass, but he ends up cutting his finger on it and dropping the glass. Mamoru goes over and asks if Fisheye's okay. Then Mamoru uses his healing ability to heal Fisheye's finger. Fisheye is truly infatuated by Mamoru. Of course, Usagi sees him and thinks he's doing something naughty. Fisheye insults Usagi, "No signs of makeup, no sex appeal whatsoever. Her figure isn't that bad, but I can already see the final answer." After successfully causing a rauckus between Usagi and Mamoru, Fisheye sees Diana peeking out of Mako's purse, "A CAT!" freaks out, and leaves. The next day, Mamoru walks down the street, minding his own business, when he runs into womany-Fisheye again. "Mamo-chan? People call you Mamo-chan, right?" Mamoru recognizes him from the fish store, and Fisheye asks to go with Mamoru, but he says that he's in a hurry. Fisheye then decides to just grab Mamoru and back him up against a wall. Fisheye leans in to try and kiss Mamoru, but he turns his head away. Fisheye says, "Am I that unattractive?" Mamoru replies, "It's not that...but I'm only interested in one girl." A disappointed Fisheye asks, "Fine then, tell me...what is so good about that girl named Usagi?" Mamoru says, "The fact that she has a lot of dreams." This gets Fisheye to wondering back at the circus with Tigerseye why they don't have dreams or dream mirrors. Zirconia later reveals to them that it's becaus they aren't really human, they are animals with a spell cast on them. Nehellenia tells them that she will take off the spell on the next new moon if the Trio fails to find Pegasus. Later on, Fisheye's back in his woman garb and finds Mamoru on a park bench, reading a book. Fisheye sits down and says, "Are you waiting for her?" Mamoru says yes, and looks at his watch. Fisheye asks if it's fun to be with Usagi, and Mamoru says it's a lot of fun. Mamoru says something to piss Fisheye off, and so he decides to just go back to regular garb and snatch Mamoru's dream mirror. Sailormoon and Chibimoon show up to save him. While the remless keeps them occupied, Fisheye looks into Mamoru's dream mirror, to find that Pegasus isn't there. Obviously, Fisheye is extremely upset because he knows this failure would be his last. Mamoru, at this point is unconcious. Fisheye yells, "This can't be!!" and out of anger, plunges his sword into the back of the contraption Mamoru is held to, just next to Mamoru's head. Fisheye leans in and kisses Mamoru, then releases him and disappears. Sailormoon pulls a Moon Gorgeous Meditation to get rid of the remless. Meanwhile, Fisheye in woman garb, sits on a bench somewhere in Tokyo, and lets the rain pour onto him. He knows he doesn't have much time until his demise. Usagi happens to be running by and sees Fisheye on the bench. "That girl..." she says to herself. She approaches him and puts her umbrella over his head. "What's wrong? If you're like that, you really won't be qualified enough to be my romantic rival..."
Episode 153
Episode #153: Kyoufu no haishasan? Parapara no yakata
A Dentist of Terror? PallaPalla's House

Well, it's PallaPalla of the Amazones Quartetto to give it a shot. She sets up a phony dentistry and spreads her spell all around Tokyo, causing tons of people to get cavities. It's her way of looking at dream mirrors in mass amounts. Usagi and Chibiusa need to go to the dentist, which they are both mortified of. Mamoru goes with them, and they cling onto him in fear the whole way there. They were really supposed to go to the Juuban Dentist, but on the way there they see the new dentistry, which is bright and extremely friendly-looking. There is a big line outside, but Usagi gets one look at the handsome dentist and insists they go there. Mamoru gets a little jealous. Anyway, they go inside and the assistant asks how many. This time Usagi's the jealous one as Mamoru blushes at the assistant (who I think is kinda scary looking but whatever...). Mamoru says he'll wait for them outside. Outside, Mamoru practices how he'll apologize to Usagi for looking at the assistant like that. "Usako! You know that no other woman could catch my eye. You're such an idiot, you really - - no, 'idiot' is not good. Sheesh...she's the one that fell for the handsome dentist! But, Usako is rather persistent when she gets mad..." Later on, Mamoru's still outside practicing while he waits ^^; "Usako!!" he raises his arms in the air, "Your pearly whites are so bright!" Then he pretends to hold and kiss Usagi and makes weird faces. He notices that it's getting late, and so many people went into the dentist's office, but none came out. His suspicion came to him just in time. He comes to Usagi and Chibiusa's aid as Tuxedo Kamen. He frees them so they can go transform while he fights PallaPalla. At one point, PallaPalla crushes Tuxedo Kamen under her ball, and while smiling and in a cute little voice says, "I hate you. Die!" XD In this battle, Sailormoon and Chibimoon's loud wailing actually aids them. They defeat the remless and PallaPalla's house crumbles. Most of the kids' cavities were part of PallaPalla's illusion, and Usagi is relieved, thinking she's home free too. Mamoru leans in close to Usagi's face, who blushes, thinking Mamoru's going to kiss him. He opens her mouth up and says, "You know, your teeth are still black."
Episode 159
Episode #159: Chibi Usa no chiisana koi no rapusodi
Chibiusa's Little Rhapsody of Love

I love this one! Chibiusa looks so pretty in her Small Lady attire. Anyway, Usagi is beginning to suspect that Chibiusa might have a boyfriend behind her back. She spreads the gossip to the others while they chat at the Crown Fruit Parlor. Rei and Mako team up to try and get Chibiusa to tell them who this new mysterious boyfriend is. Buuut, they fail miserably, to say the least. Next it's Minako and Ami's turn!! Ami says that maybe they've seen this boy before. Chibiusa says, "Yes! You know, he's very pale..." Minako says, "Pale...? What kind of a face does he have?" Chibiusa replies, "Ehh...a little oblong..." They look shocked and Minako says, "Oblong?!" Minako whispers to Ami, "Maybe the boy at question has a horse-like face!" (Like Mamo-chan in episode 136!) Anyway, they fail miserably also. Who's next? That's right, Mamo-chan! He takes Chibiusa to a fancy restaurant to try and get the details out of her while the girls spy in the background. Those girls really have had an effect on him, haven't they? Anyway, Mamoru starts off on a higher note than the girls did. "But, I wonder how much longer you'll go on dates with me, Chibiusa," he says. Chibiusa replies, "You'll always be my darling, Mamo-chan!" Mamoru says thank you, in English. Yee! "But, if you ever find someone you want to introduce me to...don't hesitate to introduce him," Mamoru says. Chibiusa blushes and says, "There is someone I would like to introduce, but..." A statue moves closer to the table. Mamoru says, "Is he your boyfriend?" A pot of flowers moves closer to the table. Chibiusa says, "It's a more complex situation..." A grand piano moves closer to the table. Mamoru says, "An even more complex situation?" A modern art painting moves closer to the table. Chibiusa obviously notices the random objects moving closer to the table. "Mamo-chan," she says. Mamoru pretends he doesn't notice anything, "What?" Chibiusa says, "I feel like someone is listening in on us..." The camera pulls out and shows Usagi, Rei, Minako and Mako behind all of those mysteriously moving objects. Oh well, Mamo-chan failed miserably too, and he had to pay the most money! Later on, the girls and Chibiusa are out by the docks. The girls discuss the situation and say that it looks like Chibiusa is getting really angry now. Minako says, "Mamoru disappeared as if he were running away right after that..." Usagi says, "Maybe we did do something pathetic..." Hehe, ya think? Anyway, they think Chibiusa is staring at a guy across the lake who fits into the pale, oblo;ng face description, and think that's the one Chibiusa likes. And man, he's scary-looking. JunJun shows up and causes trouble, but as per usual the sailor senshi get things straightened out. Later on, everyone still thinks crazy-looking guy is Chibiusa's romantic interest. Mamoru plays the part of over-protective papa, "Don't you think that guy's a little too old for you?!" Usagi points out that there is an age difference between the two of them. Chibiusa says that's NOT her romantic interest, and everyone asks who it is. Chibiusa says it's a secret. Good job guys, you all failed miserably together.
Episode 161
Episode #161: Ugoki dashita kyoufu! Yami no jo'ou no mashu
Coming Terror! The Dark Queen's Evil Approach

Strange strands of spiderwebs are showing up all over the Juuban area, and probably all over Tokyo too. The girls watch Chibiusa run a race, then go to wait for Chibiusa and Mamoru at the Crown Fruit Parlor. The spiderweb strands don't seem to have any effect on anyone except Mamoru. He runs into one on the way to Crown, and it causes him to fall to his knees. Chibiusa asks what's wrong, and Mamoru says that he tripped himself. What a crappy liar. Anyway, they all meet up and spend a little time at the Parlor. When they're leaving, Mamoru walks down the steps behind them with Diana and runs into another spiderweb strand. It seems to hurt him again and he falls down with Diana in his arms. "Mamoru-sama?!" she says. Usagi runs back and asks what's wrong, but again Mamoru says it's nothing. Chibiusa says that he's been acting strangely, and that the same thing happened earlier. He gets up, and Usagi notices a spider strand on his shirt. Unazuki comes outside and says that that's the fifth spiderweb strand there today. Minako points out that it seems very dark out. By later that day, it seems the spiderwebs have nearly covered all of Tokyo. It's also gotten darker out. Later on, the girls have to transform in front of the Amazones Quartetto and face off. Tuxedo Kamen arrives on the scene to help out, but seems weakened. After the Quartetto is gone, Tuxedo Kamen collapses to the ground. He says, "Ever since those spiderwebs appeared, my heart has started hurting..." Suddenly, the sun begins to be covered up, and darkness spreads...
Episode 162
Episode #162: Yami no shingenchi Deddo Muun Saakasu
The Center of the Darkness: Dead Moon Circus

Pegasus and Chibimoon explain the whole Dead Moon situation to the other sailor senshi. Tuxedo Kamen is still in pain, so they take him back to his apartment to lay in bed. Usagi wipes his forehead with a cloth, and he says, "It looks like what Pegasus said is true. Pegasus spoke to me, too." We are then shown a vision in which Pegasus appears and says, "Prince Endymion. Your body, which is guarded by the Earth, has synchronized itself with this land..." Mamoru explains to Usagi, "Each time those spiderwebs of the Dead Moon eat away at this land, my body --" Everyone decides to go fight the Dead Moon. Usagi and Mamoru have a moment alone before she goes. Usagi sheds a tear of worry for her Mamo-chan, who touches her face. "I'm sorry..." he says, "At such an important time, I'm making you face all the dangers..." Usagi shakes her head, "No...your pain is my pain...Don't worry, I'll make sure to cure you. I will make sure to protect this planet!" and they kiss. "I'll be going now," she says, and turns to leave. Mamoru says, "You've become so strong, Usako. And so has Chibiusa..." His heart suddenly pains him again, and the lunar cats tend to him. Meanwhile, it's off to battle the Dead Moon. Once they manage their way inside, Zirconia finds the Golden Mirror of Dreams inside none other than Sailorchibimoon. Zirconia kidnaps Chibimoon. Back at Mamoru's apartment, Mamoru gets another great pain in his chest, and thinks to himself, "Chibiusa..?!"
Episode 165
Episode #165: Kurisutaru no kagayaku toki! Utsukushiki yume no chikara
Time for the Crystal to Shine! The Beautiful Power of Dreams

While the sailor senshi are trying their hardest to battle Nehellenia, Mamoru is still in poor condition back at his apartment. The cats are watching over him, unsure of how to help. He still has large spasms of pain. Suddenly, they hear a voice, "Prince Endymion..." it says. Suddenly, Mamoru is transported into a vision/dream/illusion/whatever, is it really that important? Anyway, he lands in the ruins of some ancient-looking place. He is dressed in his Prince Endymion armor. He says, "This place feels so nostalgic. I feel as though I know this place." The voice speaks again, "That's right, Prince Endymion. This palace is the one that your clan has protected for all this time...Here, Elysion, is where your old kingdom, Golden Kingdom, used to be." A wind blows and Mamoru covers his face for a moment. When he looks back up, the entire place is covered by black roses. The voice turns out to be Helios, who appears kneeling before Mamoru. "You are..." Mamoru says. Helios replies, "I am the one who guards the Golden Crystal here in this sanctuary of Elysion; Helios." Mamoru says, "That voice, I've heard it somewhere before...You are the one who kept saving me, Sailormoon, and the must be that Pegasus." You're a sharp one, Mamo-chan! Helios says, "I'm sorry." Mamoru seems confused. Helios continues, "Despite me being the guardian, I couldn't protect the Golden a result, both this planet and your body have been cursed, and are being eaten by the darkness. Mamoru says, "This world, Elysion, is supported by the power of people's dreams on Earth, right?" Helios says, "Yes, but now, it is all over. I couldn't protect the dreams of the people. Because of the Dead Moon, the people's power to dream will disappear." Mamoru says, "Do you really think so? Can they really do something like take away the power to dream from people? Can anyone do something like that?" Mamoru stands by the only red rose in the whole mass of black ones, and says, "No matter what darkness clouds us, the power of people to dream will surely blossom a flower of hope all over the world. Something that cannot be thrown away even if you wanted to throw it away...isn't that what a dream really is?" Mamoru goes on and gives a nice pep talk to Helios, did you ever notice he's really good at those?