Chibafied Episodes - Sailor Stars
Episode 168
Episode #168: Sataan no mezame! Seeraa 10 Senshi shuuketsu
Saturn Awakens! The Gathering of Ten Sailor Soldiers

This episode is not immensely Chibafied but is a bit important. It most centers around the re-awakening of Hotaru as Sailorsaturn. But on the inner senshi end of the spectrum, Usagi has noticed that Mamoru's been acting really weird lately. Ever since that shard got in his eye from the other night, any kind of intense light really bothers him and he flips out. Even when Mamoru's sitting at home working on the computer, a beeping noise irritates him immensely and when a light flashes on the computer he gets up and throws the keyboard. Afterwards, he wonders why he was acting so strangely, and recalls Usagi's advice that he should get some rest. But, this problem won't be getting better anytime soon. At the very end of the episode, Mamoru looks in the mirror and thinks to himself, "What a strange feeling, like my body is not my own." Suddenly, Nehellenia appears in the mirror, embraces Mamoru and says, "Yes, you are mine now. White Moon Princess, I will take all that you love from you..."
Episode 169
Episode #169: Noroi no makyou! Akumu no torawareta Mamoru
The Curse Of The Evil Mirror! Mamoru Caught In A Nightmare

It seems that tons of people, including Mamoru, are all starting to act really weird and do nothing but stare at mirrors. Usagi goes to Mamoru's apartment, but he doesn't answer the door. She uses the spare key he gave her to go inside, and comments that Mamoru never leaves the apartment so dark. She sees mirrors propped up all over the place, and she wonders when Mamoru got so many mirrors. She finally finds him in a back room, just staring at a mirror. Usagi sees a golden glint appear in his right eye and suddenly a shadowy figure appears in the mirror. Usagi calls out "Mamo-chan!" and steps forward, breaking a mirror laying on the floor. Mamoru asks who's there and what they want. Usagi says that she just saw someone in the mirror. Mamoru asks how she could enter someone's apartment without asking. Usagi apologizes and says that she was just worried about him. Mamoru notices the broken mirror on the floor and caresses it. "What a pity," he says, and a piece of the mirror goes in his finger. Usagi kneels down to kiss it, but Mamoru pulls away. Usagi looks upset, and Mamoru seems to snap out of it for a second and apologizes. His eyes still look really weird, though. Usagi says it's okay, and as she's leaving, she notices that he doesn't even say goodbye, he just turns around and starts staring at the mirror like a crazy weirdo again. Later on, the senshi figure out that Mamoru must be in danger, so Sailormoon, Chibimoon, the inner senshi, Pluto and Saturn make their way to Mamoru's apartment, fighting off Nehellenia's mirror dancers along the way. Once there, they find Mamoru still staring at the mirrors. Jupiter tells him that there is darkness coming from the mirror. Sailormoon runs over to him, and asks him not to look into the mirror anymore. She goes to put her hand on his arm, when he suddenly turns around and slaps her to the ground. I could kill him, man. Chibimoon runs to her aid and yells at Mamoru, "It's terrible to push her down! How could you?!" Mamoru doesn't respond and goes back to the mirror. "Are you listening to me?!" She yells. Hm, clearly not. Suddenly, Nehellenia appears in the mirror. She tells Sailormoon she will take away everything she holds dear. Nehellenia then reaches out of the mirror and pulls Mamoru inside. "By my curse, this man's heart is filled with nightmares. He can no longer hear your pretty voice. When the next dawn comes, this man's heart will be completely under my control. Sailormoon, can you reach me before then?"
Episode 172
Episode #172: Ai no Muun Pawaa! Akumu no owaru tokii
Moon Power Of Love! The Time Of The Nightmare's End

Saturn tries to fight Nehellenia while Sailorchibimoon tries to awaken Mamoru from his trance. Chibimoon begins to fade in and out as she begs for Mamoru to wake up. "Come on, Mamo-chan...if this goes on...I'll disappear!" She holds onto him and weeps. Suddenly, the look on Mamoru's face changes a bit, as though somewhere inside of him, he can hear Chibimoon's voice and attempts to battle the curse Nehellenia has placed on him. Saturn yells, "Chibimoon! Call to him harder!" Nehellenia gets pretty pissed off by this and goes to blast Mamoru to overcome him with her curse. He raises his arm up and pushes Chibimoon away from him. Saturn runs up and blocks Nehellenia's blasts with Silence Wall. Chibimoon begins to fade more and more, so Saturn decides that she will use Silence Glaive Surprise. Just as she brings the glaive down, Chibimoon stops her, though all around has been shaken and it left a considerable amount of damage, despite the attack only having been halfway done. Chibimoon says, "Don't use the'll die...You told me to believe in our prince and princess. Don't worry, they won't give way.." Nehellenia entraps Saturn, just before Usagi arrives. She runs to the fading Chibimoon and holds her in her arms. "Usagi...I...couldn't save Mamo-chan...but I'm okay...because...I believe in you.." She leans her head in and says, "Your chest is warm..." Then, she fades away completely. Nehellenia tells Usagi her sad story of loneliness, which brings Usagi to tears of sympathy. Nehellenia gets really ticked off at Usag'is sympathetic eyes and throws her up against a wall. Usagi says, "If I were you, I couldn't live alone. I couldn't have endured solitude like you." The other senshi listen to their conversation from their mirror prisons. Usagi then says, "You must only take revenge on me. Give back my friends, please! Don't worry, everyone understands...They will become your friends. Just take your revenge on me." All of the senshi are in tears from Nehellenia's misfortunes and Usagi's selflessness. Tears flow from Mamoru's eyes as well. He has been reached, and the curse is broken....The sailor senshi are released from their mirrors. Chibimoon rematerializes and takes Mamoru's hand. Nehellenia gets ticked off more and tries to blast everyone, and then tries to blast Usagi to no avail. Mamoru transforms into Prince Endymion to protect Chibimoon. The senshi help Usagi transform into Eternal Sailormoon, and she purifies Nehellenia, sending her back to her childhood to grow up with friends.
Episode 173
Episode #173: Wakare to deai! Unmei no hoshiboshi no ryuuten
A Departure and an Encounter! The Destiny of Flowing Stars

Mamoru is offered a chance to go study at an American University. He discusses it with Usagi and says that he could be gone for a year or more. Usagi tells him that it's all right, and that he should go. Usagi is pretty depressed about his going away, but she tries to hide it from him. The night before he leaves, she gets very upset, but Luna tries her best to comfort her and says that she should see Mamoru off with a smile. Usagi agrees. Back at Mamoru's apartment, while he is packing, he stops and picks up a picture of himself with Usagi and Chibiusa, and smiles. The next day, Usagi shows up at the airport to wish Mamoru farewell. She tries to keep it together, but tears begin streaming down her face anyway. Mamoru gets a sad sort of look on his face, then suddenly hands Usagi a little box. "Here," he says, "Open it." Usagi opens the box to find a ring inside. "Mamo-chan...this is...?" Mamoru smiles and kneels down and puts it on her finger for her. Usagi blushes as he does so. Mamoru then stands up and says, "I love you, Usako." Usagi says she'll cherish it forever, and they lean in to kiss. What a cute little proposal scene! After Mamoru's departure, he sits on the plane, looking at that picture again, thinking of his Usako. Suddenly, a brilliant golden light emanates throughout the plane. Elsewhere, Yaten feels that the light of another star has just gone out...
Episode 197
Episode #197: Ginga no shihaisha Gyarakushia no kyoui
The Ruler of the Galaxy, Galaxia's Threat

Well, obviously Mamoru isn't totally in this episode, but there'a an extremely sad scene where Galaxia tells Sailormoon the story of how she aquired the Golden Starseed - the starseed of Earth. When the brilliant light engulfed the plane, it was transported to another dimension. Mamoru transformed into Tuxedo Kamen and went out on the wing of the plane to see who was causing this. There he met up with Galaxia. "I feel it! The shining energy of a starseed..." she says. Tuxedo Kamen asks why she's doing such a thing, and she replies that she is the ruler of the galaxy, and so decides on how it should be treated. Tuxedo Kamen retorts, "The galaxy belongs to no one!" Galaxia says, "Do you want to clarify that?" Tuxedo Kamen goes in to attack, but he is just no match for the superior powers of Galaxia. She strikes him down rather quickly, and takes his starseed. Galaxia says now she'll be able to have control of the Earth. As Tuxedo Kamen dies, he says, "I don't think so. On this planet, they are there...agents of love and justice, sailor senshi who keep the peace...they will defeat you." Galaxia gives him a smug look, and as Tuxedo Kamen fades away, his final utterance is, "Usako..."
Episode 200
Episode #200: Usagi no ai! Gekkou ginga wo terasu
Usagi's Love! Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy

All of the other sailor senshi have died in battle against Galaxia, leaving only Sailormoon and the Starlights to fight the battle. Usagi manages to overcome in this darkest of dark hours and purifies Galaxia. The starseeds are freed. Usagi believes that she is all alone since everyone has been killed, and feels the sorrow of loneliness. Suddenly a voice calls out, "You're not alone." It is Rei-chan. All of the sailor senshi appear around her, since their starseeds were freed. They all congratulate Usagi on her efforts. Suddenly, another voice behind her says, "Usako..." Usagi turns around in shock to see Mamoru, in Endymion attire, holding Chibichibi. "This little girl led me to you, Usako." Usagi cries out, "Mamo-chan!" and goes over to him, crying in happiness. "It's all over now," he says. Later on, the girls and Mamoru bid the Starlights and Kakyuu goodbye, and Seiya tells Mamoru, "Mamoru-san, protect her," he winks and then says, "From one guy to another." (Er, is that supposed to be a joke? I kinda thought it was but maybe that's just me.) The final scene of the series is Usagi and Mamoru standing outside overlooking the water, watching the moonlight. Usagi asks Mamoru how much he loves her, and he says, "Whenever I'm with you, I'm truly happy..."